A Post for Popcorn!

Cookies and Cream Popcorn? Yes please.

Cookies and Cream Popcorn? Yes please.

Popcorn. It's one of those rare foods that's loved and accepted by the masses. Have you ever met a person (that wasn't Satan) that didn't like it? We haven't, which is why we decided to come back from the very acquired taste of Vegemite (see last week's snack recipe) to the widely loved and versatile popcorn. 

First off, a little history lesson. Corn was first domesticated in Mexico 9,000 years ago, and Popcorn is one of its oldest forms. It dates all the way back to 4700 B.C!  During the Great Depression, popcorn was a safe and inexpensive go-to (at 5–10 cents a bag, it became extremely popular). While other businesses began to fail at this time, the popcorn industry thrived and became a source of income for many struggling farmers. When World War II brought on sugar rations and lower candy production, Americans compensated by eating three times as much popcorn than ever before. We were hooked! There are now entire crops of corn dedicated to becoming popcorn...a true sign of a high-demand snack.

Let's not forget nutrition! Air-popped popcorn is high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, and low in calories, fat, sugar and sodium. We decided to "dress up" our popcorn snack this week...making it slightly less good for you and a hell of a lot more delicious.

Cookies and Cream Popcorn Recipe:

½ cup popcorn kernels 
4 tablespoons coconut oil

1/2 cup oreos (crushed)

1. Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a heavy bottomed large pot.
2. When oil is hot, put a kernel or two of corn in it and wait until it pops.
3. When it pops, add the rest of the corn, cover the pot, and gently shake over burner until the corn stops popping for 5 seconds

4. Take pot off of the heat and lift lid, being careful of the hot steam and random kernels that might still be popping.

5. Add the rest of the coconut oil to the popcorn and toss till coated. Sprinkle with finely crushed Oreos and salt, and toss until coated.

Or…pop as directed by your air popper, toss with 2-4 T coconut oil, and add cookies.

Enjoy!! We certainly did. 
